Spiritual Pilgrimage to


Homecoming: Remembering our divine essence… through connection with the sacred wisdom of ancient Kemet.

Embark on an unforgettable journey to Egypt and unlock the secrets of its majestic temples, tombs, and treasures that have fascinated travelers for centuries.





Egypt Pilgrimage Application

Receive an application via email by filling out this form.






Date details:

October 3-16, 2024

February 1-14, 2025

My dear Queen or King,

Some of you may already know that I’ve been drawn to Ancient Egypt since I was a young girl. In 2021, in the same week that I experienced a miscarriage, an opportunity (of, what felt at the time, a lifetime) came to me: An Egyptian pilgrimage. Just months after the nudge from the Universe, I was connecting with the ancient land of Kemet on a 3-week spiritual pilgrimage. Those three weeks set in motion a beautiful unfolding and remembering journey for me, that I continue to integrate, years later.

It has always been my dream to bring beautiful souls on a journey of remembering…of connecting with sacred lands of Mother Gaia. Since that trip, our Creator has stirred within me a longing, as well as introducing me to humans who are feeling the call to Egypt. Before 2021, I saw myself returning many times to Egypt, each time expanding and growing personally, as well as creating sacred containers for others to do the same. Many synchronicities have happened over the past few months that have me believing that return is soon. And…here we are!

But, first, my “why”. Why this work is so important to me:

There are many ways we can connect to the deepest parts of our soul, and not all of them require traveling to sacred lands. Through my work in equity and justice, I also understand the impacts of the toxic trance of racism and other isms that push beautiful souls to the margins of our society in ways that make it really hard for them to afford to travel to sacred lands.

I dream of creating a world where traveling is NOT a luxury. Where traveling (whether astral or physical) is part of the human experience of remembering. I see my role as a travel guide is to hold a sacred container for those brave souls who desire to journey through the depths of their shadow to find their light. 

For those who recognize that they ARE their shadow AND their light. That both parts of them are sacred and holy. I desire for every soul to remember WHO they are. I envision them connecting to the roots of their lineage...both spiritual and earthly. I envision them bringing love and honor to the sacred land of Egypt, while carrying “home” to their communities, codes of wisdom their cells acquired while visiting the sacred land. I envision every single soul who journeys with me to feel empowered and spiritually connected upon their return “home”.

I genuinely believe that Egypt holds so much magick that is beyond our conscious ability to understand. And, She wants us to connect with her for the ascension of all humankind. We are co-creators of the Divine. And, our visit to Egypt will be a transformative journey of awakening and co-creation of a New World. I believe that, and I trust in the unfolding as it happens. For me, and for each and every one of you.

I invite you to notice my use of the word “pilgrimage” rather than “trip”, or “tour”, or “vacation”. To me, a pilgrimage is a journey of the heart and soul. It is a journey we choose to embark on for our spiritual growth. When we partake in a pilgrimage to sacred land, we are accepting the truth that this experience will change us. And, sometimes that change may feel painful. But, through the metabolizing of that pain comes rebirth. Growth. Transformation. Much like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Congratulations on considering this important investment in your healing and personal development. I trust you will not be the same when you return to your home.

As your guide, I will be facilitating daily circle rituals, and providing spiritual and emotional support to each of you. I will be extending an invitation to deepen your understanding of Ancient Egyptian mythology. We will integrate our daily experiences through ceremony, sound and voice medicine, movement medicine, and more. Some days will allow for rest and integration, while other days will involve extended travel with late nights and early mornings. I’m excited to share that we will have private access to some of Egypts most sacred sites. My ask of you is to come on this journey with an open heart and mind, with a spirit of adventure and flexibility.

 I will not be guiding this journey alone. My dear Egyptian brother, Ahmed Khalifa, will be our guide. Ahmed is an Egyptologist who has been leading tours in Egypt for over 20 years. He is the owner of the company Real Egypt Tours, and is fluent in the language of hieroglyphics. He is also incredibly passionate about sharing his personal wisdom, stories, and cultural heritage. He understands the importance of anchoring our travels in a protective and loving energy as we move through our pilgrimage.


With so much love,



Below is our itinerary, which includes my own personal journal entries from the first time I invested in pilgrimage to Egypt in 2021. A more detailed itinerary (that will be updated with detailed information for your optional study while or during our pilgrimage) is available for those who are serious about taking this journey with me. There’s information on how to set up a discovery call with me under “Next Steps”.


Before & After Pilgrimage:

Virtual Gathering 1:  8pm-10pm EST (2 months prior to departure)

Virtual Gathering 2:  7pm-9pm EST (1 month prior to departure)

Virtual Integration 1: 10am-12pm EST (2 weeks after return)

Virtual Integration 2: 10am-12pm EST (1.5 months after return)

During Pilgrimage:


Day 1 | Arrive to Egypt

Welcome to Egypt, the gift of the Nile, as described by Herodotus in 425 BC.
Upon arrival at Luxor International Airport, you'll be met and assisted by our representative. Transfer to your 5-star hotel in Luxor for check-in. Luxor, ancient Thebes, was dedicated to the god Amun-Ra, considered the king of the gods.
*Meals: Dinner*
*Overnight in Luxor hotel*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/14

I didn't write on this day, nor did I take any pictures. But, I do remember listening to the deep wisdom of Elder Malidoma Patrice Somé. I first learned about him from a dear friend, business partner, former spiritual guide and coach. She recommended I read his book, "Of Water And The Spirit". Malidoma passed from his Earthly body on December 9, 2021, while we were in Egypt. He was a Healer, a Medicine Man, an Elter, an Author, and a Teacher.

I've been thinking a lot about Spiritual communities, and the need for building stronger communities (and, less harmful) communities of care, particularly in these times. A community that welcomes and loves your whole self. A community that understands your unique needs as well as the needs for community healing. One that honors ancient healing modalities.

Day 2 | Luxor East Bank

After breakfast, dive into the vibrant history of Luxor's East Bank. Explore Karnak Temples, dedicated to Amun-Ra, the Sun God, and the powerful Sekhmet Chapel, embodying the lioness goddess of war. Visit the Seven Portals Shrine, a gateway to the divine, and the Temple of Mut, honoring the mother goddess.
*Lunch featuring Egyptian dishes, including vegetarian options.* Return to the hotel to absorb the day's energies.
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch*
*Overnight in Luxor hotel*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/05

Sekhmet's Chapel
Woke up at 3:20am local time. Hot Air Balloon Ride over Luxor.
Visited Sekhmet's Chapel and experienced true Magic.

Sekhmet ("who is powerful") is a Lioness Goddess of War, Healing, and Medicine. As we sat at the feet of her statue (untouched since it was erected, maybe 4,500 years ago), we were connected to our inner warrior- ness. Sekhmet is the fierce protector of truth, balance, and the Cosmic order of Ma’at. I carry her power and energy with my daily, in the work of racial justice and equity.

May we all find our inner truth and warrior Goddess through the fierce energy of Sekhmet.

Day 3 | Luxor West Bank


Begin the day with breakfast before venturing to Luxor's West Bank. Explore the tomb of Queen Nefertari, beloved wife of Ramses II, in the Valley of the Queens. Visit the grandeur of Queen Hatshepsut's temple and the Valley of the Monkeys.
*Lunch and an evening visit to an Essential Oils store.*
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch*
*Overnight in Luxor hotel*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/06

I'm currently sitting with my sisters in the bottom of a crypt. It is peaceful and quiet and cool. The energy down here is palpable.

"You are resilient. You may not understand now, but you will. Surrender to the need to know all things and why." This channeled message is for all of us. May we surrender to the need to know all things, and be more in touch with the parts of ourselves that reveal our true soul's essence, our power, our resilience.

This is my wish for you as you continue to seek clarity on your purpose in the work of racial justice, and lean into the BRAVE energy that already exists within you.

Day 4 | Luxor West Bank

Embark on a magical hot air balloon ride over Luxor at dawn. Return for breakfast before discovering the Temple of Isis and the tomb in the Western Valley of Monkeys. Enjoy lunch and an evening walk at Luxor Temple during sunset.
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch*
*Overnight in Luxor hotel*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/13

Today, I am thankful for my ancestors. The more I learn about the ancient wisdom of my ancestors, the more empowered I feel. Their connection to the land. Their connection to the Divine. That wisdom is within me. What a great honor and responsibility that is.
Christine Sleeter, an author, speaker and activist, is credited for using the term Critical Family History, which essentially refers to a “process of situating a family’s history within an analysis of larger social relationships of power, particularly racism, colonization, patriarchy, and/or social class.” Christine Sleeter goes on to explain that “a critical family historian uses tools of genealogy as well as historical research to understand how relations of power impacted the family, and how the family participated in, helped to construct, resisted, or simply experienced the larger context.” She challenges us to investigate our family’s context in the structure of race and class relations.
For those of African-decent: You come from Kings and Queens. You are your ancestors. Know and honor where you come from.
For those of European-decent: How might you heal through the power of Critical Family History? You are not "white". Your family history is much more expansive than that.
As the wise Maya Angelou once said, "I have great respect for the past. If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going."


Day 5 |  Dendara & Abydos

Explore Dendara's temple dedicated to Hathor, the goddess of love and motherhood. Journey to Abydos, sacred to Osiris, and explore its temples.
*Lunch with a local family.* Return to Luxor for the night.
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch*
*Overnight in Luxor hotel*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/07

Abydos and Dendera Temples

Hathor's Temple was built to worship the Ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, who personified feminine love, healing, and motherhood.

There is so much healing to be done throughout the World. For those of us in the racial justice space, we often forget to tend to our own healing. For those souls, who's purpose is to heal; to extend grace during these hard times; and to guide the collective to the "New" World, I am so grateful for you. Remember to care for yourselves. You are worthy, you are loved.

Day 6 | Nile Dahabiya, El Kab

Board the Nile Dahabiya and sail to El Kab. Explore Esna Temple, an introduction to the journey, and then sail towards El Kab, immersing in the authentic life on the Nile's banks.
*Lunch, dinner, and overnight on board.*
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner*
*Overnight on board your Dahabiya*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/08

Today was magical. I'm worried- will I remember every magical experience I'm having, and will have on this 20-day pilgrimage? I worry that some of the "magic" is lost on me. I have FOMO (fear of missing out) even though I'm HERE. I'm here in this magical country...on this ancient land. How can all of me be HERE? How can I possibly explain to others what I'm experiencing, when I don't even know half of what I'm experiencing while I'm here? All I know, is that it's magical. And has the potential to transform my consciousness...my life.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the new information you're soaking up? Whether it be in books about Racial Justice. Or, workshops about Racial Equity. Sometimes that feeling of overwhelm manifests itself via a fear that we will never know enough. We will never remember enough. Don't fret, dear one. It is not possible for us to know it all. That is not the goal. The goal is to LIVE into the moments. To be present to the (learning) moment. To connect with both the mind and body as you are soaking up the wisdom that's required to create movements. TRUST. Trust that you are here...in this very moment...learning this very thing (whatever it may be) because your soul led you here...and even if you don't intellectually understand it all, TRUST that it is all part of The Plan.
Don't let the overwhelming feelings paralyze you into fear.

Oh, and remember to cultivate relationships with others who are going through the same journey as you. Sisterhood and Brotherhood is so so important for this transformative work (of Racial Justice).

Day 7 | Sailing on the Nile, Edfu & Elsesela

Sail to Edfu and disembark to explore the Temple of Edfu, dedicated to Horus the falcon god. Return to your Dahabiya and sail to Elselsela, connecting with the serenity of the Nile.
*Lunch, dinner, and overnight on board.*
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner*
*Overnight on board your Dahabiya*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/09

I'm tired. We were in the car for over 12 hours. This resort is very different from our hotel in Luxor. It doesn't feel as comfortable. It's like camping. I didn't sign up for this. That's about all I can muster the energy to write right now. Tomorrow is a new day.

Do you ever feel like this? Can LIFE just get.it.together?!? Do you ever feel stretched too thin? Do you ever feel just...EXHAUSTED?!?

Rest, dear one. This life is a journey. We are not meant for the "daily grind" lies that our culture feeds us. You deserve rest. So REST.

Day 8 | Sailing on the Nile, Kom Ombo & Aswan

Continue the Nile journey to Kom Ombo, the home of Sobek, the crocodile god, and Horus the falcon god. Sail to Aswan, a city sacred to Isis.
*Lunch and dinner on board.*
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner*
*Overnight on board your Dahabiya in Aswan.*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/10

I'm currently sitting with my sisters. There's so much powerful energy around us right now. When I go back to the U.S. (I almost said "home" but I didn't because Egypt also feels like "home"), things won't be the same. That scares me.

Do you ever feel like that? Scared of the transformation that you can feel in your bones. Worried what this transformation will do to your relationships; your perspectives; your SELF? Transformation can feel so scary sometimes.

I'll be honest, while I want to trust this transformational journey I am currently on, I often find myself feeling scared. Hesitant. Sometimes, I find myself "negotiating" with Spirit: "Is this what you mean? Surely, you have the wrong person. People are going to think I'm crazy. Maybe I can do 'this' thing you're nudging me towards, but 'THAT'...I don't know...that feels scary...maybe someone else is more equipped that me to do 'THAT'.

Sound familiar? Well, today, I don't have any profound guidance for you, except this: TRUST. FLOW. KNOW. You are not alone, dear one.

Day 9 | Abu Simbel & Nubian Land

Early morning, visit the rock-cut temples of Abu Simbel, dedicated to Ramses II and his queen Nefertari. In the afternoon, explore the authentic Nubian land and Nile Islands by motorboat, embracing the Nubian culture.
*Lunch on board, dinner, and overnight on the Dahabiya.*
*Meals: Breakfast boxes-Lunch-Dinner*
*Overnight on board your Dahabiya in Aswan*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/11

The salt lakes of Siwa* are freaking AMAZING. And, also freaking COLD. I've always heard of salt lakes, but I've never been to one. It's true...you really FLOAT! And, it's impossible not to float. As a Cancer Sun Sign, Water is my Element. So, of course I feel so much power and energy in this place. What a gift it is to be here!

"Water is a natural resource with unique value and consciousness that enables it to sense any slight imbalance in the life-sustaining systems. It is through water that we are physically and spiritually interrelated and interconnected with the living and non-living beings of earth and to the whole of life." - Chief Tamale Bwoya (the Grand Chief in the Buganda Kingdom E.A.)

Day 10 | Philea & Cairo Flight

Visit the temple of Isis on Philae Island, dedicated to the goddess of magic and motherhood. Fly to Cairo, transferring to your 5-star hotel.
*Lunch on board.*
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch*
*Overnight in your Cairo hotel*

Bry’s Journal Entry 2021/12/12

We are at our rustic resort in Siwa* in an outdoor tent, just relaxing and enjoying the healing power of music and song together. Siwa has a way of bringing out a lot of emotions for me. Luxor was so busy. Siwa has been so quiet...and relaxing. I guess that's what happens when you sit still, and just BE.

Part of my intention for this trip was to heal. While there are specific parts of me that I consciously know need healing, I feel an energy in this place that leads me to believe just by being here, I am participating in ancestral healing. What an absolute gift.

Sometimes we are so busy learning and doing, that we forget to just BE. Sometimes, the most powerful transformation happens in the quiet, mundane moments. Are you creating space for your healing to occur? Make sure to leave room for good music and delicious food. Both are critical ingredients for healing and self care.

*we will not be traveling to Siwa during this pilgrimage, however we will be floating along the Nile, which will be an amazing opportunity for connecting with the healing powers of water.

Day 11 | Saqqara & Khan El Khalili


Explore Saqqara, land of the first pyramid, and delve into the mysteries of ancient Egypt. Enjoy lunch and spend the evening in Khan El Khalili, experiencing the old Islamic atmosphere of Cairo.

*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch*

*Overnight in your Cairo hotel*

Day 12 | Pyramid & Sphinx Private Opening

Embark on a private visit to the Sphinx and inside the Great Pyramid during the early morning. Afterward, explore the Giza Plateau, taking a camel ride around the pyramids.
*Lunch and leisure time in the afternoon.*
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch*
*Overnight in your Cairo hotel*

Bry’s Journal Entry 

The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid

Today was a most sacred day. We were awake with the Gemini Full Moon. We were cradled in between the paws of the Sphinx, and descended/ascended into the King's and Queen's chambers. We experienced sacred ceremony in the King's chamber.
It is so hard to put into words the experience of this entire trip, but especially this sacred day.

Day 13 | Dashour & Egyptian Museum

Visit Dahshour to explore the early pyramids of King Sneferu. Later, explore the Egyptian Museum, home to countless artifacts from Egypt's ancient past.
*Lunch provided during the day.*
*Meals: Breakfast-Lunch*
*Overnight in your Cairo hotel*

Bry’s Journal Entry 

Dashur Pyramids
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be INSIDE the pyramids? Take a look at the stories for a time- lapse of us descending and ascending within the Dashur Pyramids.

The Dashur Pyramids predate the famous Pyramids of Giza. They were constructed between 2613-2589 BC. They are incredibly well-preserved, and one of the largest and oldest pyramids in Egypt.

A question I've been pondering since returning from Egypt: What was (and is) the true significance of these magnificent structures, and how can we honor them, today, in a way that contributes to our collective healing?

Day 14 | Final Departure

Enjoy your last breakfast in Egypt. According to your departure time, our representative will transfer you to Cairo International Airport for your final departure, hoping to welcome you again on the land of Egypt.
*Meals: Breakfast*


Pilgrimage Costs

The total cost per person for a group of 16 priestesses* is $7989**. To see what is all included in this price, please see the following chart. 

*This journey is designed for all women, including cis and trans women. However, if a priestess wants to bring their male partner along, they are most certainly invited. If you are not a woman, and are open and willing to connect to the Divine Feminine aspects of self (each of us hold aspects of both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine) please set up a discovery call with me and we can discuss together whether this trip is a good fit for you.

**This cost is assuming that 16 people commit to this pilgrimage. In the event that we have less travelers, the cost per person will vary. Both itineraries are $7989. I’ve given an estimated cost for less than 16 travelers below: 

  • 13-15 travelers ($8474 per person)
  • 9-12 travelers ($9898 per person)

If we do not have 16 travelers by August 2024, you will be given two options:

1. Continue your plans for the journey, knowing that the cost of your trip will increase.

2. Decide not to journey to Egypt, and get your full deposit back.

Please note that if you are paying by credit/debit card a 3% fee or via Venmo a 2% fee will be added to each payment to cover service charges. To avoid the fee you may pay with check, cash, or Zelle. Please make sure you have read through the terms and conditions listed at the end of application.

Credit card payments: $8229 

Venmo payments: $8149


Payment Schedule:

October 2024 Trip: $7989

$250 Non-Refundable Application Fee (put towards total trip costs)

$1800 Non-Refundable Deposit (due within 72 hours of application acceptance)

$1485 Due June 28th

$1485 Due July 28th

$1485 Due August 28th

$1484 Due September 28th


February 2025 Trip: $7989

$250 Non-Refundable Application Fee (put towards total trip costs)

$1800 Non-Refundable Deposit (due within 72 hours of application acceptance)$1485 Due October 28th

$1485 Due November 28th

$1485 Due December 28th

$1484 Due January 28th

Application fee

This application fee is fully refundable if you are not accepted into this trip. If you are accepted, this amount will go towards the overall payment of your trip. If you are accepted and you choose not to participate, you will lose your deposit.

Once your payment is processed, an important step, you will promptly receive a confirmation email. This email will contain the link to your application, guiding you through the next phase of the process.

Please note: There are two separate trips with different dates. You will indicate your preference in the application itself.

Next Steps

If you feel like this pilgrimage is in resonance with your souls (and pocket book!) please fill in the form below to receive an application.

Take Me To The Application!!

Once your application is approved you will have 72 hours to submit your $1,800 non refundable deposit, waiver, and agreement.

Please note that if you are paying by credit/debit card for your deposit, a 3% fee or via Venmo a 2% fee will be added to each payment to cover service charges. To avoid the fee you may pay with check, cash, or Zelle. Please make sure you have read through the terms and conditions listed below.

Questions? Use the link below to schedule a discovery call with me.

Schedule discovery call

Refund Policy

October 2024: If for some reason you find you are no longer able to attend the pilgrimage you may receive a full refund minus the $1800 deposit if you send an email written notice by July 5. If you send written notice after July 5 yet before August 5, you will receive a 50% refund of the full investment of the pilgrimage minus the non refundable deposit. Beyond August 5 no refunds will be available as bookings will have been reserved on your behalf. Your space is not secure until you submit your completed application, deposit, waiver and agreement.

February 2025: If for some reason you find you are no longer able to attend the
a full refund minus the $1800 deposit if you send an email written notice after November 5 yet before December 5, you will receive a 50% refund the pilgrimage minus the non refundable deposit. Beyond December 5 no bookings will have been reserved on your behalf. Your space is not secure completed application, deposit, waiver and agreement.

Terms & Conditions

A deposit of $1800 will secure your space for this pilgrimage. The deposit is non refundable. Please note that once your deposit is received you will be required to fill out a registration form, an agreement, waiver, and photo release. These will be due within one week from the date they are sent. It is required to purchase your own travel insurance to cover any unexpected medical needs, luggage or flight delays for the duration of your journey.

You must pay an initial deposit of $250 to apply for the Travel Experience. Once your application deposit has been received, you will receive a link to complete the application. You must complete your application no later than 48 hours following receipt of your deposit. We reserve the right to approve or deny your application for any or no reason, as determined by us in our sole and absolute discretion. 

Upon approval of your application, we will provide you with a link for a double room. Your booking is not confirmed until we receive your down payment and our team submits to you confirmation of your booking via email. If we do not approve your application, we will refund your $250 deposit, or you may apply it to a future travel experience.

If you pay the $250 deposit and do not complete the application or you are approved for the Travel Experience and you do not accept, you will not receive a refund of your deposit.

I am ready for adventure!

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