Enroll in Liberatory Embodiment Now!

Shift from Overwhelm to Empowerment:
Transform Your Racial Justice Advocacy with Liberatory Embodiment

In today's complex landscape of racial advocacy, one truth remains paramount: embodiment is the key ingredient to sustainable and impactful change. Embodiment goes beyond mere intellectual understanding; it's about feeling the truths of racial injustice in every fiber of our being. By prioritizing our own healing, we become authentic advocates capable of catalyzing real transformation.

Embodiment empowers organizational leaders to foster inclusive cultures and attract diverse talent, resulting in highly engaged teams and loyal, satisfied customers. Embodiment empowers entrepreneurs to cultivate a loyal client base and garner positive community support, driving business growth and impact!

Enroll in Liberatory Embodiment Membership Today!

Embodiment is the key ingredient to experiencing hope, confidence and joy in your racial justice advocacy.

Join Liberatory Embodiment today if you want to:

  • Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about BEING an authentic racial justice advocate without the overwhelm!
  • Start implementing embodiment practices in your day-to-day without having to think about it!
  • Become a more impactful and potent change-agent in your business and community!


Take a Quick Peek Inside the Members Area of the Liberatory Embodiment Program!


Liberatory Embodiment is a 14-Module (and growing!), Step-by-Step Video Training Course that walks you through the 4 Attributes of an Embodied Racial Justice Advocate! But, it’s much more than that. 

  • Forever-growing library of content as I continue to add relevant information based on World-events and as my own practices grow and evolve.
  • Direct-access to me through monthly Q&A’s (recorded and archived in the members portal)
  • Gain the confidence to show up, mess up and heal up, surrounded by community and a badass guide (me!). 

Gain tools to navigate racial trauma, understand racial identity development, and avoid common DEI pitfalls, with immediate access to resources and insights TODAY!

Enroll in Liberatory Embodiment Today!

Now I hear this all the time: “I’ve attended all the book studies and participated in all the DEI training. I don’t need more courses or programs on race equity.”

I totally get it. We are collectively burnt out on training and have very little to show for it. In fact, there’s studies that show that. For instance, a study of 829 companies over 31 years showed that diversity training had no positive effects in the average workplace. Attitudes and diversity of organizations remain the same, and we are still seeing very little progress in our communities. 

You are not alone in that feeling. The most common experience I hear from clients’ employees and my 1:1 clients: there’s too much training and not enough change. That feedback is so valid. It means that you are invested in this work, and you’re tired of the “old ways of doing things”, because you know they don’t work. 

And, you are right. Just taking another training isn’t going to move the needle. What we need is a focus on the bridge between training and transformation. We need to identify the missing piece. We aren’t going to move the needle by focusing on just another training. 

That is why Liberatory Embodiment Program includes a BONUS course addressing the common DEI training concepts, and how to fully integrate their teachings in sustainable ways.

Not only that, but the entire premise of Liberatory Embodiment Program is to focus on that “missing piece”, or what I like to call the magic key: Embodiment, unlocking the transformative potential within YOU to become a confident and potent advocate for racial justice.

So, it’s really up to you. You could continue to depend on your organization to create more equity the way they’ve always done it, and just hope that one day we will be able to look back and be proud of the collective progress we’ve made. Or, you can challenge the status quo, invest in your own transformation, and leave an impactful legacy on your organization, your business, your community, and ultimately the world.

If you have a Black-racial identity, you may be thinking, “I don’t need a course to teach me what I already experience every single day.”

I see you! I was a professional in a predominately White and male industry for over 13 years. I was often the only Black-identifying woman in the room. I rolled my eyes at any attempt my company had at “teaching” about DEI when it came to race. They never spoke about the issues that I felt like I encountered on a weekly basis. 

I created Liberatory Embodiment out of the desire to create safe spaces for BILPOC, particularly those who work in predominantly White organizations and communities. You shouldn’t have to carry the burden of being the spokesperson for all BILPOC people, or for sitting through hours of training that should be for the privileged in the room. 

When you participate in Liberatory Embodiment, you get access to the following: 

  • BILPOC-only spaces to support and share together
  • Specific-BILPOC practices and tools for your healing
  • Calls dedicated to BILPOC members, to help support you with navigating your experience as a BILPOC, often in predominately white spaces. 

The mistake most people make is thinking that reading all the books or taking a "do-it-yourself" route is cheaper. What they don’t consider is how slow and ineffective that approach can be. Even worse, the costs associated with every decision or lack thereof that causes harm often go unnoticed and un-repaired. 

As humans, we are created to be in community together, to heal together. We are not meant to tackle this alone. While reading all the books might make us intellectually smarter, it rarely leads to personal transformation. If you’re like the hundreds of clients I’ve worked with, it can sometimes leave you with a longer to-do list, more overwhelm, and confusion. 

So, naturally, people ask, “Okay, can I just hire someone to do it for me?”  

Which is possible! You can hire a professional DEI "expert" and expect to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. And if they're good, they may leave you with a kick-ass DEI initiative strategy. But, it’s still up to you to make it sustainable, to know when to pivot as needed, to weave racial consciousness into the DNA of your organization, business, or community. 

If you’re like me, you want to see change in sustainable and impactful ways, and feel confident through every pivot and every inch of growth. The only solution is to go beyond the intellectual and learn to approach racial justice and equity by fully embodying the attributes of an authentic racial justice advocate, having non-negotiables in your own healing journey that allow you to show up for your clients, colleagues, and community in impactful ways. 

This is your chance to learn from me and be in community with each other so that you can embrace this journey for what it truly is: a journey. 


NEW Content Coming Soon!

Guide on how to handle the most common objections to investing in racial equity work! ($97 Value)

  • Taken from my personal experience supporting clients.

Book study facilitation bundle ($197 Value)

  • Recordings of my past virtual race and racism book studies

Resource list, categorized based on racial identity development stages ($97 Value)

  • This list is perpetually growing!

Bonus courses ($997+ Value) 

  • Critical Race Theory
  • Spirituality and Race
  • Race and Christianity
  • America, Race and Agriculture
  • How to Talk to Kids About Race
  • And perpetually growing!!

Gain tools to navigate racial trauma, understand racial identity development, and avoid common DEI pitfalls, with immediate access to resources and insights TODAY!

Enroll in Liberatory Embodiment Today!

About Me


Bryana Clover is a published co-author and a race equity educator and facilitator for both individuals and organizations. Clients and colleagues have described Bryana as a passionate leader who is skilled at tackling challenges with a fierce energy, while creating an engaging environment for everyone. 

She has a lifetime of experience as a bi-racial Black woman and over five years experience in intentional deconstructing and healing. She is here to honor her ancestors in the service of speaking truth to power. She is here to guide white women on a journey of self-reflection and digging deep into uncovering their own racial identities and how that impacts the way they show up in the world. She is here to empower women of African descent to rediscover their Divine BirthRight and to reconnect with the ancient wisdom of their ancestors. 


Bryana’s work in racial justice is inextricably linked with her spirituality, and she’s passionate about bringing others along this lifetime journey of collective growth and love. She believes in the transformative power of knowledge, coupled with reflection. In a nutshell, she ignites the power within others to make authentic change that leads to racial healing and liberation. Bryana guides others to overcome their fears and to be BRAVE.

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