Sacred Justice Alchemy

For the Woman of European Descent Ready to Claim Her Revolutionary Role in Decolonizing the Healing and Coaching Industries.

Awaken a New Depth of Integrity, Spiritual Richness, and a More Diverse, Joyful Client Base in Your Business—Authentically, Without Performative Allyship, Tokenism or Cultural Appropriation.

As a passionate woman of European descent—an established healer or spiritual coach—you feel a deep calling to embrace your vital role in reawakening and honoring indigenous wisdom and BIPOC cultures. Yet, amidst this desire, you often grapple with uncertainty and fear. You wonder how to approach this journey authentically, without causing harm or appearing performative.

You know you’re destined to lead within your industry, creating a business that warmly welcomes the global majority. But at times, you might feel overwhelmed, questioning whether you have the tools to genuinely embrace co-creative collaboration with diverse backgrounds and traditions.

You yearn to pave a path for others to awaken to the collective shift towards justice, something the entire collective is experiencing, but the weight of your responsibility can feel heavy, leaving you anxious about making a wrong move, and possibly being “canceled”.

You aspire to deepen your relationship with your own unique gifts, yet you struggle with imposter syndrome, wondering if you’re truly equipped to lead with integrity and innovation in an industry moving toward decolonization. You want your offerings to authentically honor and integrate BIPOC traditions, demonstrating your commitment to supporting women of color—but navigating this landscape feels daunting.

You envision cultivating a loyal BIPOC client base that truly feels the respect and care you pour into your work. However, you may worry about whether your efforts will be seen as genuine or if they’ll fall flat, leaving you feeling vulnerable and exposed.

You aim to develop bold, conscious messaging that reflects your authentic voice and perspectives on racial justice. Still, you might find yourself hesitant, questioning whether you’ll be able to position yourself as a visionary leader without facing backlash or criticism.


If this resonates with you, I see you dear sister. 


It is clear you’re ready to ignite transformative change in the spiritual coaching and healing space, and I am here to support you in embracing your vital role in honoring and reawakening indigenous wisdom and BIPOC cultures within your practice, while navigating your fears and doubts with grace, gratitude, and trust.

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In today's complex landscape of racial advocacy, one truth remains paramount: 


Embodied Racial Justice Advocacy is the key ingredient to sustainable and impactful change. 


Embodiment goes beyond mere intellectual understanding; it's about feeling the truths of racial injustice in every fiber of our being. This isn’t another “How to Be Anti-Racist” teaching. This is Liberatory Embodiment.


Liberatory Embodiment

Liberatory Embodiment is a spiritual practice of being, where the vision of justice and equality is activated and brought into the world through embodied identity. This is about becoming a clear channel for your specific vision of justice, refining your understanding of who you are, what you’re birthing into the justice space, and the emotions tied to this vision.

The core of this practice revolves around four key attributes that are foundational for any embodied racial justice advocate:


An Embodied Racial Justice Advocate…

  • Has an Established Foundation of Truth: Grounding yourself in your personal truth and integrity, ensuring your practice is authentic and aligned with your deeper values.
  • Is rooted in Historical Context with a Critical Thinking Lens: Understanding racial justice through a historical and analytical perspective, so you are always aware of the larger systems at play.
  • Has a Nurtured Authentic-Self Understanding: Developing a deep and honest connection with yourself, uncovering your ancestral pain and healing it, which is essential for showing up in a genuine way for your clients, especially BIPOC.
  • Is rounded in Conscious Action: Taking deliberate, thoughtful actions in your practice and life, ensuring that your approach is aligned with the principles of justice and racial equity.
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Embodied racial justice advocates prioritize their healing and personal growth. By focusing on the BEING, rather than the DOING, they can show up for justice in impactful ways, fostering confidence in their legacy and cultivating greater joy and peace in their lives. 


White women healers and spiritual coaches have a vital role in shaping a new world that prioritizes our collective racial healing. This journey goes beyond merely checking boxes; it’s much more intricate, isn’t it? If you had all the answers, you probably wouldn’t still be here. I recognize your commitment, and as a Black woman who has navigated numerous challenging experiences in predominantly white spiritual coaching and healing environments, I am here to guide you in authentically embracing embodied racial justice through my unique high-touch container, Sacred Justice Alchemy. 

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Sacred Justice Alchemy is for the white woman spiritual coach or healer who is already deeply established in her practice. She knows the medicine she’s here to serve, and she’s ready to take her work to the next level by expanding the way she stewards that medicine. She feels a strong pull to enrich her offerings, welcoming perspectives, traditions, and clients that reflect a broader range of experiences and orientations in the world. 


She’s already aware of racial justice issues and has seen how current coaching and healing spaces often fall short in addressing them. She’s grown tired of the shallow ways in which these spaces have dealt with racial equity, sensing there’s something deeper, and perhaps there's something missing in how she, as a white woman, might still be unconsciously perpetuating the same patterns. She’s ready to face that discomfort with radical honesty because she knows this is the work that will set her apart as a leader and innovator in the industry.

This woman understands the power of doing this work, not just for her own growth but for the long-term transformation of her practice. She desires to create spaces that truly welcome BIPOC clients—spaces where they feel supported, seen, and able to heal on deeper levels because of the integrity and awareness she has cultivated in her approach. She envisions a container where clients of the global majority not only come, but return, because they feel the authenticity and radical honesty with which she holds space.


She’s not just looking to align with racial justice advocacy; she’s determined to create offerings that resonate with and transform the lives of BIPOC clients. She wants her reputation to reflect the depth of her work, becoming a radiant presence in any room she enters because she has done the sacred alchemy needed to become a more congruent steward of her medicine.

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Sister-love, Sacred Justice Alchemy offers you a space to realize this vision. In this potent container, you'll be guided through ancestral alchemy, integrating the teachings of indigenous wisdoms with an understanding of your role within the broader movement for justice. You will receive the tools and support necessary to become a more conscious and aligned leader, creating offerings that are truly innovative and revolutionary. You will be part of a community that is shifting the coaching and healing spaces to better support and welcome people of the global majority, while staying in deep integrity with the power of the medicine you are here to share.


Dear sister, I SEE you.

Do you envision yourself as a cherished sister who is ready to alchemize your journey through Liberatory Embodiment? 

I do. 

Beloved, this is your opportunity to step into a movement that weaves together justice, equity, and spiritual practice—to be on the leading edge of history as an authentic, powerful change-maker.


Sacred Justice Alchemy is a movement

it is a sisterhood

it is a transformational group coaching container for you, as a white women spiritual coach and healer who desires to deepen your integrity, align your practices with racial equity, and honor the indigenous wisdoms and BIPOC cultures that root your medicine. 

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If you're a white woman spiritual coach or healer who desires to create deeper, more authentic relationships with women of color and wants to be part of a movement that decolonizes and revolutionizes the coaching and healing industry, Sacred Justice Alchemy is for you.


In Sacred Justice Alchemy, I guide you through the process of coming into right-relationship with Liberatory Embodiment, allowing you to not only do the work of racial justice but be the embodiment of it. This framework helps you focus on healing, expansion, and transformative action in your life and business. When you focus on your healing, you can show up for justice in embodied, impactful ways that will give you confidence in your legacy and cultivate more joy and peace.

In this sacred container, you’ll not only be surrounded by other like-minded white women on the same journey but also have access to women of color who bring valuable experience and teachings in racial justice. This is not about becoming an “expert” in racial justice—this is about becoming a more conscious and aligned steward of the medicine you carry. Through ancestral alchemy, you’ll honor the sacred traditions and wisdom that is often rooted in indigenous healing practices.

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You will transform your relationships:


With your medicine—by receiving sacred rites of passage to properly steward the indigenous traditions and create offerings that are aligned with the spirit of the medicine itself.


With your clients—by crafting offerings that not only welcome but deeply resonate with BIPOC individuals, expanding your client base and building a diverse, inclusive community.


With the collective—by stepping into your role as a revolutionary who is part of a movement transforming the coaching and healing industries to be more just, equitable, and inclusive.

The new world we’re creating requires deep sisterhood across racial lines, and Sacred Justice Alchemy is the space where you will cultivate this. Through the wisdom and support of this sisterhood, you will craft offerings that resonate with BIPOC clients, creating truly transformative spaces where racial justice is not just aligned but embodied. This work is about stepping into your rightful role within the collective, honoring indigenous traditions, and ensuring your legacy reflects the call for racial justice that is reshaping these industries.


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Within the potent portal of Sacred Justice Alchemy, I will be your guide, as you birth the following outcomes:


Integrity in Medicine Stewardship: Embrace your vital role in reawakening and revolutionizing indigenous wisdom and BIPOC cultures within your practice, standing tall as a steward of your medicine who leads with integrity and innovation in an industry moving toward decolonization. Deepen your relationship with the integrity of your medicine and how you steward it. Create offerings that authentically honor and integrate BIPOC traditions, demonstrating your deep devotion to supporting BIPOC women.


Expanded BIPOC Client Base: Cultivate a loyal BIPOC client base that feels the depth of respect and care you put into your work through your genuine commitment to racial justice—something that is truly innovative within the predominantly white spiritual coaching and healing space. Your containers will actively welcome and support BIPOC individuals, fostering meaningful transformation and encouraging re-signing from clients who experience profound healing and resonance within your offerings.



Bold Racial Justice Messaging: Develop bold, conscious, and unapologetic messaging infused with your authentic voice and perspectives on racial justice. Position yourself as a visionary and authentic leader within the healing industry, known for your genuine care and advocacy for racial justice, which attracts a diverse range of clients into your transformative spaces.

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What You’ll Receive in Sacred Justice Alchemy:

6, 9, or 12-Month Business Support:

You'll be part of a community of like-minded white women healers and coaches, receiving ongoing guidance in a dedicated Telegram space. This high-touch, immersive coaching container will foster both personal and collective transformation.

High-Touch Coaching via Telegram:

I offer direct, ongoing coaching through dedicated Telegram channels, providing personalized support as you evolve through this journey. These are dynamic channels all hosted in one space, where you can request support and receive my intuitive business transmissions daily.​

    • 1:1 Support through your “Sacred Altar” Channel: You’ll receive one-on-one support from me, ensuring deep connection and attention to your individual path and growth as an embodied racial justice advocate.
    • Awakening Portal: In this channel, we will engage in thoughtful reflection on current events related to racial justice and equity. This is a safe space for you to ask questions, share your thoughts, and express how these realities impact your life and business.
    • Essence of LIBERATORY EMBODIMENT Channel: This space is dedicated to embodying the four attributes, or essences of Liberatory Embodiment, as you navigate your course portal:
      • 𓄂 Essence of TRUTH: Share reflections and insights as you navigate the principles of truth in your practice. Engage in discussions that help align your work with your deepest values and integrity.
      • 📚Essence of HISTORICAL CONTEXT: Examine racial justice through a critical historical lens. Share your thoughts and questions as we unpack the systems at play, enriching our understanding and collective perspective on justice.
      • 🧘🏽‍♀️Essence of SELF-UNDERSTANDING: Engage in self-discovery and healing practices that connect you to your ancestral roots. Share your journey and experiences as we support each other in fostering authentic relationships, especially with BIPOC clients.
      • ✊🏾Essence of CONSCIOUS ACTION: Discuss deliberate and thoughtful strategies for integrating justice and equity into your daily life and practice. Share your intentions and experiences to foster accountability and meaningful change within our community.
    • Racial Identity Development & Ancient Egyptian Archetype Channels: The Archetypal Journey channels are dedicated to exploring the archetypes of ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, through the lens of our individual (and collective) journeys through the schemas of our racial identity development. These channels will include powerful downloads, meditations, and somatic rituals to support your journey through each archetype/deity: 🔭 Shu; 🌊 Set; 🌌 Nut; ⚖️ Ma’at; 🐦‍🔥Sekhmet; ❤️‍🩹Isis
    • Celebration Circle: This channel is dedicated to sharing your wins, expressions of gratitude, and joyful moments, big or small. 

Course Portal with Learning Content:

Gain access to my robust 24-week course portal, Liberatory Embodiment, that includes learning materials, worksheets, and content for each of the four attributes. The learning content will support you in developing a critical thinking lens, including historical teachings on the history of racism, colonialism, and their continued impact on our 3D reality. This deeper knowledge allows you to ground your spiritual practice in truth and integrity, making you more equipped to discuss national and global events related to racial justice. You'll learn how to navigate these conversations from a place of interconnectedness—recognizing that we are all part of a greater whole. This awareness will help you step into your role as a healer and leader who refuses to remain silent, knowing that speaking up is a radical act of love and necessary for creating the world you want to see.

Coaching Calls (2x/month):

Twice a month, I will lead group coaching calls, where you can ask questions, share insights, and receive direct feedback. These calls provide a space for deeper connection and real-time support.

Guest Speakers:

Experience a deeper sense of belonging within the movement for racial justice through sustained mentorship and diverse perspectives from a network of women of color. You will have access to potent teachings by guest speakers who bring powerful insights and healing practices to support your growth and the evolution of the entire Sacred Justice Alchemy collective.

BONUS Welcome Gift:

To support your ritual of embodied racial justice advocacy, you'll receive a welcome gift featuring hand-crafted medicine from Clover Joy Collective. These items are designed to enrich your practice and journey as you engage in this transformative work. *this is for sisters who PIF

Beloved, now is the moment for you to rise as a dynamic medicine woman, igniting a reawakening and revolution in the spiritual coaching and healing industry.

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Meet the Creator of Sacred Justice Alchemy


I am a healer, medicine woman, truth-teller, and embodied racial justice advocate.

As a published co-author and a race equity educator and facilitator for both individuals and organizations, I have been described by clients and colleagues as a passionate leader who tackles challenges with fierce energy while creating an engaging environment for everyone.

As a Black woman undergoing a deep transformation and decolonization of my faith and spirituality, I have often felt disheartened by the lack of racial representation and understanding in the healing spaces I sought. With a lifetime of experience as a biracial Black woman and over ten years of intentional deconstruction and healing, I have dedicated my practice to creating spaces that inspire healers to be true game changers. I honor my ancestors by speaking truth to power, guiding white women on a journey of self-reflection to uncover their racial identities and understand how it shapes the way they show up in the world. I also empower women of African descent to rediscover their Divine Birthright and reconnect with the ancient wisdom of their ancestors.

My practice of racial justice and equity is inextricably linked with my spirituality, and I am passionate about bringing others along this lifetime journey of collective growth and love. I believe in the transformative power of knowledge, coupled with reflection. In a nutshell, I ignite the power within others to make authentic change that leads to racial healing and liberation. I guide others to overcome their fears and to be BRAVE.

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